Communities for Ukraine (USPUK and CitizensUK)

​​The Communities for Ukraine programme is a joint initiative between USPUK and Citizens UK. Both organisations have been awarded ‘Recognised Provider’ status by the UK Government to match displaced Ukrainians with prospective hosts under the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Communities for Ukraine welcomes Ukrainians to the UK through the support of our ‘Resettlement Partners’ - civil society organisations including faith groups, community groups, businesses, and universities. Resettlement Partners recruit prospective hosts, assess their suitability to accommodate displaced people and match them with Ukrainian guests. USPUK’s own Ukrainian Sponsorship Project acts as one of these ‘Resettlement Partners’. 

Communities for Ukraine gives dignity and agency to refugees from the time they consider coming to the UK, through to their arrival and resettlement in a new home. This approach to refugee sponsorship emphasises the importance of communities in providing a safe, supportive, and sustainable process for Ukrainian refugees to resettle in the UK.

We are actively looking for more UK hosts. If you are interested in becoming a host for Communities for Ukraine, you can find out more here or you register here.

You can fill in this form if you are a Ukrainian guest looking for a sponsor in the UK.  

Key Results:

Some of our KPIs from this project


Facilitated safe and supported matching and resettlement of 450+ families under Homes for Ukraine scheme (929 individuals which equals 609 adults and 320 children)


Made visa and travel arrangements for a further 1377 families who found their sponsor independently.


Worked in close collaboration with the British Government to offer assistance to hundreds of Ukrainians whose initial sponsors were deemed unsuitable for various reasons.


Collaborated with Wizz Air, the Shapiro Foundation and the Steve Morgan Foundation to provide over 100,000 free flights for displaced Ukrainians.


Partnered with Hartford Care Homes on a special Employment-Led Programme to bring more of 8 Ukrainian families to safety and provided them with accommodation and employment opportunities.